Woodlots debate – Environment Minister to meet Scottish Woodlot Association

SNP MSP for the South of Scotland Dr Aileen McLeod today (Thursday) welcomed the outcome of last night’s members’ business debate on the creation of a new form of forest land tenure in Galloway. Woodlot Licences allows someone with an interest in the industry to lease an area of woodland, which they can then manage with a view to selling the timber produced.
In his response to the debate last night, Environment Minister Paul Wheelhouse accepted Dr McLeod’s invitation to meet representatives of the Scottish Woodlot Association with a view to establishing how the concept could be rolled out on a wider basis.
Speaking after the debate, Dr McLeod said:
“I wanted to use this debate to highlight the new form of forest tenure that is being piloted in Galloway and bring it to a wider audience. I also wanted to invite the Environment Minister to meet members of the Scottish Woodlot Association in order to explore further how the use of woodlots could contribute towards the Scottish Government’s policy objectives for Scotland’s forests.
“I am also well aware that the Scottish Woodlot Association is a small organisation with a big idea, and if its potential benefits are to be realised to the full the Association will need some level of support and assistance in the future.
“I am delighted therefore that the Minister has agreed to meet members of the Scottish Woodlot Association and I hope that we can set up a dialogue that will help the idea of woodlots grow and flourish across Scotland in the future.”
Notes to Editors:
The Official Report of the debate can be found here:

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