Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont has been challenged to admit that the much repeated No campaign scare story on the need for border posts after a Yes vote is nonsense after a Labour MSP dismissed the claim.
Speaking in the European and External Relations Committee this week, Labour MSP Alex Rowley dismissed claims that there would be border posts stating “nobody seriously thinks that that might happen”.
Alex Rowley’s common sense statement stands in stark contrast with claims made by numerous other figures from the anti-independence campaign who have tried to scare people in Scotland into voting No by claiming that border posts would be required after a Yes vote.
The SNP has written to Johann Lamont calling on her to make clear whether she backs her MSP Alex Rowley’s position or whether she is subscribed to the No campaign’s nonsense on the issue.
Commenting, South of Scotland MSP Joan McAlpine said:
“This has been a bad week for the No campaign with their scare story on driving on the right parodied as the Guardian’s April Fools story and the European Parliament’s vote to abolish roaming charges leaving the anti-independence campaign looking ridiculous after their scare on that issue.
“Now another of their favourite scares has bitten the dust after Alex Rowley made clear that nobody believes there would be border posts.
“Will Johann Lamont back her MSP and accept that No campaign politicians have been talking utter nonsense on the issue?
“The simple fact is that it is in nobody’s interest to erect an unnecessary hard border between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK, which is why it will not happen.
“The sheer volume of the ludicrous scare stories that the No campaign has produced means that people in Scotland simply don’t believe what they say.
“I hope that Johann Lamont will now publicly accept that anti-independence politicians have been talking nonsense on this issue and admit that these scare stories have been simply baseless.”