“No” campaign must respect the wishes of Scotland says McLeod
Westminster attempts to bluff bluster and bully backfire as more voters
move towards Yes
The SNP is today calling on the No campaign to respect the wishes of the
people of Scotland as evidence shows attempts to bully Scotland on the
pound are already backfiring on the Westminster establishment.
Two separate polls following the three main Westminster parties’ “bluff,
bluster and bullying” on shared currency have found that in reaction to
it people are moving to Yes.
In another astonishing development, The Herald is today reporting that a
senior coalition member has said a Yes vote may not be respected by the
UK Government, with the paper’s editorial stating that this is likely to
“anger” Scottish voters.
SNP MSP Aileen McLeod said:
“Westminster’s panicked attempts to bully Scotland are already
backfiring. This week’s threats from the No camp are resulting in more
people moving to Yes.
“A poll in today’s Courier shows most are more likely to vote Yes as a
result of Westminster’s bluff, bluster and bullying on the pound. And
another poll for the Daily Record found the gap between Yes and No
narrowing to 4 points – which translates to 48% Yes to 52% No when don’t
knows are excluded.
“And if the intervention by a senior coalition source is to be believed,
the Westminster establishment are now threatening to rip up the
Edinburgh Agreement if they don’t get their way in September. As the
newspaper points out, this unbelievable lack of respect is likely to
anger people across Scotland.
“It is hard to believe that over the course of just a week,
Westminster’s message to Scotland has gone from “we want you to stay” to
“we won’t let you leave”. Westminster’s reverse Valentine’s Day message
to Scotland will drive even more people into the Yes camp.
“The deep disrespect Westminster is showing towards Scotland is simply
further proof of the need to take Scotland’s future into Scotland’s
hands. Once that decision is made by the people of Scotland, that
outcome must be respected.”
Today’s poll in the Courier asked: Have recent statements on the future
of the pound changed how you will vote in the referendum?
More likely to vote Yes: 42%
More likely to vote No: 32%
Unchanged: 27%
Sample size: 677
Today’s Daily Record poll asked: Of those residing in Scotland:
Should Scotland be an independent country?
Yes: 40.8%
No: 44.5%
Don’t know: 14.7%
Would Scotland being prevented from keeping the pound change your vote
in the independence referendum?
Yes: 18.1%
No: 63.5%
Don’t know: 18.4%
Sample size for both: 561
Today’s Herald front page:
Herald editorial: