McLeod welcomes Council support for Kirkcudbright Charter

MSP to highlight Art Gallery project in Parliament next week
SNP MSP for the South of Scotland Dr Aileen McLeod today (Wednesday) welcomed Dumfries & Galloway Council’s decision to support the Kirkcudbright Charter and commit £615,000 towards the Art Gallery project.
Dr McLeod will also highlight the Council’s decision at Portfolio Question Time in the Scottish Parliament next week.
Dr McLeod commented:
“I am delighted that Dumfries & Galloway Council has decided to support the Kirkcudbright Charter and commit a significant amount of funding to the Art Gallery Project. I am convinced that an Art Gallery of national significance in Kirkcudbright will build on the town’s artistic heritage and reputation and will have the potential to be a major visitor attraction in the future.
“Of course the Art Gallery is only one part of the whole project, and in the summer I was able to invite the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Alex Neil, to visit Kirkcudbright to hear the Trust’s plans for the Johnston School.
“I also intend to highlight the Council’s decision to support the Charter and commit funding to the Art Gallery at Portfolio Question Time next week and invite the Cabinet Secretary for Culture & External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop, to meet with the Community Trust to see what assistance the Scottish Government may be able to provide to take this part of the project forward.”

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