The SNP has the support of a higher number of members after Labour’s leadership campaign gave away their misleading claims over Sottish Party membership.
Labour has been overstating party membership in Scotland by up to 7000 members.
A breakdown of Constituency Labour party members in the leadership ballot showed only 13,135 members despite the party claiming at the Scottish hustings in June to have 20,133 members . Anyone registered with the party by 8th September was entitled to a vote – leading to questions over Labour’s 7000 missing members.
With SNP membership in June standing at 15,945 as it continues to increase steadily from 10,854 in 2004 the SNP is now the party with the highest membership support in Scotland.
On the day Iain Gray speaks to Labour’s UK conference he now face serious questions as to whether they were making membership numbers up.
SNP Business Convener Bruce Crawford MSP“With the SNP now the largest party in Scotland the political tide has really turned.
“Unfortunately for Iain Gray the publication of the full UK result for Labour’s leadership contest has given the game away. The Scottish Labour leader has been left exposed by this blunder by Labour HQ. Iain Gray was either making membership numbers up or Scottish Labour has lost 7000 members in the last 3 months. Labour’s new leader is in for a real disappointment.
“Every one of the SNP’s 15,945 members plays their part in our efforts to make Scotland a better country and every one of them is an essential part of the SNP’s success. Membership of the SNP has continued to increase from our historic election win in 2007 as people across Scotland recognise that it is the SNP that has the values and priorities of the Scottish public at its heart.
“The SNP’s team has worked with people, communities and businesses to put Scotland’s economy, environment, schools and hospitals first, and more and more people have joined the party as a contribution to making Scotland a better country with the full responsibilities of independence. Responsibilities that will allow us to build a strong economy, properly invest in our young people and deliver better support for our elderly.
“A new leader should be an opportunity for Labour to leave its con tricks and spin machine behind it. So far the prospects don’t look good.”