SNP delivering funding to fight the Bedroom Tax in Dumfries & Galloway

SNP MSP for the South of Scotland Dr Aileen McLeod has today (Friday) welcomed confirmation that Dumfries & Galloway Council will see an injection of Scottish Government funding worth £977,596 to help people affected by the Bedroom Tax.


The Scottish Government has pledged £20 million to boost Discretionary Housing Payments in local authorities across Scotland, to provide the most help possible to people affected by the Bedroom Tax. This will see Dumfries & Galloway benefit to the tune of £977,596 – taking funding for Discretionary Housing Payments in Dumfries & Galloway to the legal maximum.


Shelter Scotland led the way in campaigning for an additional £20 million to top up Discretionary Housing Payments and have publicly welcomed the funding from the Scottish Government.


Dr McLeod said:


“The Bedroom Tax is a horrendous policy that should never have made it off the drawing board at Westminster. It is utterly unfair and is devastating the lives of people across Scotland who have no way to avoid the financial penalties.


“The Scottish Government is doing what it can, with £20 million recently announced to boost Discretionary Housing Payments to help people in financial trouble across Scotland.


“That will mean an additional £977,596 to help people in Dumfries & Galloway and comes on top of the Scottish Government’s broader £68 million package to mitigate Westminster’s welfare cuts.


“Of course while these efforts to mitigate the worst effects of Westminster’s welfare cuts are welcome, Scotland should not be in the position of simply having to clean up Westminster’s mess.


“A Yes vote in next year’s referendum will be a vote to end the Bedroom Tax and ensure that nothing like it can be imposed on Scotland by a Westminster Government ever again.”


Notes to Editors:


Shelter Scotland’s calls for £20 million to top up Discretionary Housing Payments can be viewed at


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