South of Scotland MSP Joan McAlpine has welcomed the news that the number of A&E Consultants in Dumfries and Galloway has quadrupled over the time the SNP have been in power.

In 2007, the region had one A&E Consultant, but thanks to extra funding from the Scottish Government, this has risen to four.  The funding boost has also meant that the Health Board have been able to employ an Acute Physician, and advertise for two new posts.

The SNP MSP was commenting following the announcement that the SNP Government will invest a further £3 million over the next three years to fund more than a dozen new consultant posts across the country. 

Ms McAlpine said:

“The SNP Scottish Government’s investment in NHS Dumfries and Galloway has been fantastic.  The latest round of funding will see the creation of an extra consultant post in Dumfries and Galloway, which will make a real difference to patients and staff on the ground.

“It has been proven that patients receive better care when a consultant leads the service, and with an increasingly ageing population it is vital to ensure that our emergency services respond effectively and efficiently to the growing demand for unscheduled care.”

She added:

“We are only in the first phase of this new investment programme.  In February, the Scottish Government pledged £50 million over the next three years to improve patient services nationally, and over the coming months, real change will be delivered as a result of this massive funding boost.”